Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mark 14:49 “Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me; but this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures.”

When had Jesus been with the crowd?
Every day ( Mark 14:49)

Where had Jesus been with the crowd?
In the temple (Mark 14:49)

What had Jesus done daily while He was with them in the temple?
Teaching (διδάσκων) (Mark 14:49)

διδάσκων- Masculine Nominative Singular Present Active Participle διδάσκω
“to tell someone what to do, tell, instruct; to provide instruction in a formal or informal setting; teach” (BDAG, 241).

What does Jesus say the crowd did not do while He taught daily in the temple?
“you did not seize Me” (Mark 14:49)

ἐκρατάσατέ "seize" - 2P Aorist Active Indicative κρατέω 
“to accomplish something by overcoming obstacles, attain, to use one’s hands to establish a close contact, hold, to take control of someone or something, seize control, of taking into custody, arrest apprehend τινά someone, of taking hold of forcibly and also without the use of force take hold of, grasp, seize, to control in such a way that something does not happen, hold back or restrain from, hinder in an action (BDAG, 565).

For what purpose does Jesus say that this has taken place?
“to fulfill the Scriptures” (Mark 14:49)
“ἳνα πληρωθῶσιν αἱ γραφαί”

ἳνα “to” – conjunction “marker to denote purpose, aim, or goal, in order that, that” (BDAG, 475).

αἱ γραφαί “the Scriptures” (Nominative Plural)– “the plural αἱ γραφαί designates collectively all the parts of Scripture: the scriptures” 
(BDAG, 206).

πληρωθῶσιν "fulfill"3P Aorist Passive Subjunctive πληρόω 
“to make full, fill, to bring to a designed end, fulfill a prophecy, an obligation, a law, a request, a purpose, a desire, a hope, a duty, a fate, a destiny, etc, of the fulfillment of divine predictions or promises. The word stands almost always in the passive be fulfilled” (BDAG, 828).

What is being fulfilled?
“the Scriptures” (Mark 14:49)

When an angel of the Lord had previously appeared to Joseph in a dream to instruct him concerning the conception in the virgin Mary from the Holy Spirit and birth of a son who would be called Jesus, “for he will save his people from their sins,” for what purpose does the angel say that “all this took place” (Matthew 1:22)?
“to fulfill what the Lord has spoken by the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us)” (Matthew 1:22-23).

To what Old Testament prophecy does the angel of the Lord refer?
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

What Old Testament prophecies foretell the Messiah's suffering?
Psalm 22, Isaiah 53

You are the One True God of the Bible. Your Word testifies to Your glory and power. You alone speak prophecy into existence and fulfill it, by Your sovereign power, in Your perfect time, and according to Your divine purpose. Your eternal glory and sovereign power are revealed as You watch over Your Word to fulfill it, just as it was recorded by Your servants the prophets in the Bible.  As You watch over Your Word to fulfill it, Your eternal kingdom is being built upon the foundation laid by Jesus the Messiah, Your eternal, beloved Son in Whom is the forgiveness of sins, and for Whom and through Whom all has been made. Glory and praise to You and to Jesus our Lord for Your eternal, unthwartable power to bring every good work that You have begun to completion. May the ministry of the Holy Spirit be glorious in our midst through the ministry of Your Word and of the Gospel, bringing many sons and daughters to glory in Christ, revealing Your divine power to build Your kingdom with the living stones who are precious in Your sight, chosen, justified, sanctified and glorified by Your sovereign grace to all who believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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