Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Prayer to the Creator King

Father God, You are the Creator King, clothed in splendor and majesty. You are the Sustainer of all that lives and of all that will endure forever. Your works are great and many, the earth is full of Your possessions. In wisdom, You created them all. Blessed are all whom You give eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to believe through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who is Lord over all, and through Whom You created all things that have been made, for apart from Jesus, nothing was made that exists. And apart from Jesus, nothing will endure. Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of the faith of all who are sanctified by faith in Him. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.

Our days were written in Your book before one of them came into being, for You are eternal, and Your knowledge is eternal. You know Your sons and daughters before they are formed in the womb, for You are our Creator and Your foreknowledge is perfect and eternal. All that You purpose, plan, and promise, You bring about in Your perfect power, strength, and time. You watch over Your Word to fulfill it, revealing Your glory and power. Salvation belongs to You. What is impossible for man is possible for You. For Your people were dead in sin. But now You have raised us up with Christ by the Holy Spirit Whom You sent to give life through the death, burial, and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

May You teach Your people to number our days aright, that we may gain hearts of wisdom. May Your Word be a lamp unto our feet, treasured in our hearts and dwelling richly in our minds, bearing fruit in and through the saints who are faithful in Christ. May our hearts be fully yielded to the Spirit's power, so that we may know and do Your will, that which is pleasing to Christ, walking in truth and love. May we make known the powerful Name of Jesus Christ, that many may be sanctified by faith in Him, for this is Your will.

May You be glorified in the Son through the lives of Your sons and daughters whom You have made holy and whom You are bringing into glory through Christ. May You bless and establish the work of Your servants' hands, strengthening us in the Lord and in the Holy Spirit's power. May You send many workers into the harvest whom are called and equipped. May Your blessing be upon Your people.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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