Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prayer: Conflict in Egypt

Father God,
You are a God of comfort and the Father of all compassion. Your arm is never too short to save, and You are mighty to deliver Your people who rest in the shadow of Your wings. Your glory and power are magnified as You fight for Your people who live in the midst of great oppression. Glory and thanks to You through Jesus for every act of mercy and grace shown to Your beloved who are living in the midst of great persecution in Egypt. May You place a firewall of protection around the men, women, and children who are suffering for the namesake of Christ and lead them to safety. May You comfort those who have lost loved ones and shield the eyes and hearts of the children from the trauma of the violent acts that have taken place. May You heal their wounded bodies and hearts, strengthening them in the Lord. May You strengthen them with hope in their inner beings by the Spirit, persevere their faith in Jesus, and grant them the gift of an eternal perspective of their temporal trials. May Your grace, love, and peace, and the grace, love, and peace of Jesus be magnified in their hearts, and may the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with them. May You intervene on their behalf and overcome the evil forces in their midst. May the power, light and love of Jesus Christ penetrate hearts and shine brightly in their midst, to the praise of Your glory and the glory of the powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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