Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mark 14:33 "And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled."

Where are Jesus and His disciples?

Gethsemane (Mark 14:32)

Who does Jesus take with Him when He goes to pray?
Peter, James, and John (14:33)

What does Jesus begin to be?

Greatly distressed and troubled (14:33)

What is the Greek word translated “distressed”?
e˙kqambei√sqai  (Present Middle Infinitive)

“To be moved to a relatively intense emotional state because of something causing great surprise or perplexity, be very excited…amazed…be overwhelmed, be alarmed, be distressed” (BDAG, 303).

What is the Greek word translated “troubled”?
aÓdhmonei√n  (Present Active Infinitive)
“To be in anxiety, be distressed, troubled” (BDAG, 19).

How does the prophet David respond when his heart is faint in Psalm 61:1-2?

Psa. 61:1      Hear my cry, O God,

                         listen to my prayer;

Psa. 61:2      from the end of the earth I call to you

                        when my heart is faint.

             Lead me to the rock

                        that is higher than I,

What is the Hebrew word translated “faint” in Psalm 61:2?   PâOfSoA;b  

(Qal Infinitive Construct)

“to be (become) weak, be without strength” (HALOT, 814).

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